It Was the Best
Last Sunday, Associate Conference Minister, The Rev. Alexis Fuller Wright told me that worshipping with us was the most joyous entry into the season of Lent that she had ever had. We did indeed have a wonderful morning of amazing music thanks to Ben, Kent, Lisa and John and a holy moment of anointing with Rev. Alexis. The sanctuary bubbled with dancing adults and smiling. The reflection of the day was “Who shall we listen too?” and the winning soup of the day was Linda Gove’s clam chowder. It was a Sunday full of joy and lessons of hope, questions, and blessing.
I worshipped and witnessed and watched with you all, as I always do. I was reminded that we are an Easter people and we are full of life, love and longing for God and yes, Dottie Edson, I hear the alliteration (xoxox). It seems to come out when I am certain of something. And I am sure of all of you. You, the beautiful, amazing, welcoming honest and heartfelt humans of FCCE.
You all, the disciples of Christ who continually hold me up, dare to get out of the boat and trust that you can walk on the water with faith and doubt, questions and mystery. I looked out and could see baby Maya dancing with her mama towards the back, and baby Jacob staring with bright eyes in the front row, taking in the stunning music of the saxophone. I could see Riley Jane lighting the worship candles, the rainbow candle, the Christ candle, and Linda guiding her, empowering her while her great grandmother looked on with joy. I witnesses Sandy and Karin inviting everyone as if this was the warmest and most wonderful place to be and I saw person after person embracing, laughing, and clapping with the music. I saw Ada and Chloe talk about tea and I witnessed Leo hold his mama’s hand in the pew. I saw church elder Betty simply step over the toys that had been scattered in the center aisle and I saw young Nora walk through the rows of pews and give out homemade bracelets made of pipe cleaners. Walking and gifting as if this was the church they had been in all their lives. And adults took them and wore them gladly, as if they had been made of gold and crafted by royalty. And as if the visiting child had been at FCCE all their life.
I looked to my left and knew Lisa would be there guiding the music, watching for cues from the breadth and depth of the service and my heart matched the beat of the drums as John tapped lightly. I felt the hugs around my legs from the youngest ones and the hugs around my soul from the oldest ones. I heard breath suck in when the video with our name on it played and I heard the “oohs” and “ahhs” as I brought out glitter shakers and binoculars for looking in and out. I rejoiced as no one scolded the kids or the grown-ups for taking extra cake at fellowship hour and I snapped photos to never forget the meal of community that was shared.
I watched as new people sat with old ones and I shivered as nearly everyone came forward for holy oil and the sign of the cross upon the forehead.
It was indeed a special day. And I am still smiling. I am still dancing. I am still thinking about the garden, the wilderness and who I listen to.
Later, as the sun was setting on the holy day, I received a message from Rev. Alexis. That included words from both her and her wife, Liz.
“Simply the best! Liz says she’s never experienced a church live out their welcome statement so profoundly, and I agree! Such a gift to be there and to get to offer a blessing to your beautiful people!”
It was the best and I am glad our conference minister was able to experience the spirit of FCCE.
But here is what I know, without at doubt. YOU all are the blessing. And I know that even if Alexis hadn’t been with us, it still would have been the best, because you all are the best. It’s like this every week, the church is full of the Holy Spirit.
I see you dancing, living, loving, worshipping, welcoming widely and creating community that anoints us all not only on the head but in the heart. I see you pouring through the doors and into our shared story each Sunday.
Cue the music… cue the message… cue the open door! This is the place to be and I am so humbled and so honored to love and be loved as we remember every day, we are a resurrection people and we rise!
Simply the best.
See you in church, my fellow travelers on the way.
What a privilege it is to walk and listen with you.