Sanctuary Steward
Linda Gove
Our Sanctuary Steward guides the deacons and assists the pastor with all the liturgical and practical works involving the sanctuary and worship settings.
Each week the Steward prepares the physical space of the sanctuary for Sunday services and highlights the liturgical seasons and special events. The before’s and afters of funerals, baptisms and holy communion as well as the changing of the paraments, are also the steward’s realm of leadership.
Linda Gove has been the sanctuary steward for FCCE since 2011 and knows the rhythms of the liturgical seasons well. She supports the pastor and the ushers, communion ministers and acolytes on Sunday morning and prepares the space for baptism when celebrated.
Linda is a long time deacon of FCCE, a former member of the finance team and a current member of the fundraising team. She sings in the church choir and runs a tight ship at the church breakfast and lunch events.
She can be found sharing a pew with her daughter Rachel and her two grandchildren Brayden and Lainey Grace. Her husband Walter long held the job of filling the candles with oil each Sunday as he served by her side. The crosses on the sanctuary door, the coat hooks and the Bible stand are all handcrafted by him and remind us of his legacy and her deep care of the space.
If you would like to offer flowers on Sunday, suggest a liturgical decoration or assist in sanctuary preparations, please contact Linda Gove or Lisa Marshall.