Discernment Ministry
Responding to a call to serve in authorized relationship with the United Church of Christ.
Discernment is a discipline of listening to the still, small voice of God beneath the rush of the whirlwind of life; a prayerful practice of studying, being mentored and learning the traditions, practices, expectations and responsibilities of authorized ministry in the UCC.
Recognizing a desire to rise out of the pew and enter into a formal relationship with the church denomination, these people seek to know God‛s call and live out a working relationship to in service to various faith communities.
Sandy Norris
Sandy is a Member in Discernment with the York Maine Association of the United Church of Christ. Currently serving as a deacon for FCCE, she loves to sing and has a deep call to elder ministry. She is a graduate of Andover Newton Theological School and earned a Master’s of Divinity in 2018. She continues her work and studies with the UCC with hopes of serving a congregation as an ordained pastor.
George Salzer
George is a full time care giver for his wife Anne and has developed great care and compassion skills on that journey. He serves FCCE as the liturgical deacon and as Minister for Care and Connection. He hopes to eventually become a Member in Discernment (MID) and pursue a path to authorized lay ministry for his home church.
Jeffrey Pelkey
Jeff is a first responder, the local, beloved, funeral director and the chaplain for Portsmouth Fire and Police. He serves as a teacher for the FCCE Sunday school ministry and is the homiletic deacon for the congregation. He has begun his studied with the topics of UCC polity and history at the Center for Progressive Renewal. He has a passion to preach and provide rituals of comfort and encouragement, he is in conversation with the deacons to become a Member in Discernment as his next step towards authorized lay ministry as a UCC chaplain.
Lydia Hoffman
Lydia is a graduate student at Yale Divinity School in the Andover Newton Seminary program and studying for ordained ministry in the UCC. She serves digitally and long distance as Director of Christian Education for FCCE and is the hired Student Pastor for The United Congregational Church of Tolland CT. She is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Divinity and has a passion for church camp ministry. She is the assistant director for Pilgrim Lodge, UCC.