Sunday Adventures for Kids
Our young disciples are vital and valued by our community. All ages, even the ones who like to babble along in song or cry in solidarity with the adults, are more than welcome. We have a sanctuary full of grandparents who would be happy to assist so that families might worship together, if you like.
We provide nursery care for those who need it. Our Nursery is in the upper room of the Parish Hall and any usher would happily help you find the space or a caregiver. We have faith formation and exploration programs for our children from preschool to 8th grade.
All are encouraged to stay and participate in worship. We have an engagement center with books and quiet toys in the corner of our sanctuary and many of the children like to hang out there during the service. Praying and singing and learning from the adults are all things we welcome from the kids. Following the Message for All God’s Children, kids are invited to follow our Sunday school Ministry leaders to the Fellowship Hall for age appropriate faith engagement and fun. We create opportunities for the children to participate in communion and invite them to lead in worship as they feel comfortable and ready. We are welcoming and inviting of ALL children and we believe that nothing should hinder someone from coming to worship God here at FCCE. We are constantly striving to be a place of welcome for all abilities and intentionally and joyfully invite neurodiverse students to come and be a part of our community.
If you are looking for more information, would like to be a faith formation leader or enroll a child in the program, please contact Ministry Coordinator, Lisa Marshall or Director of Christian Education, Lydia Hoffman.